11/01/2016 The most authentic and useful for its' viewers reallity series is coming back

From January the 11th, monday, in bTV's air the most authentic reality series is coming back "True stories: Divorces". In it's first season it was wildly successful among its audience, which relived the most vivid cases in the practice of the psychologist Ani Vladimirova, realized on TV by a team from "Middle Station" producers company.

05/01/2016 Resonance Season 2.23

The compromise on judicial reform SJC be divided into judicial and prosecutorial chamber, but career issues to be addressed by common plenum between the two will actually make a division council pointless, since the main purpose of the constitutional amendments is to eliminate the possibility prosecution to employment policy in court.

02/12/2015 Metropolitan Bar will elect its new leadership at the end of January

My social experience during the last decade proved that every time when I have been seduced to believe in easy solutions and magic recipes for bright future I have paid the price for this mistake multiplied by the weight of the delay. As a citizen and as a professional I dedicated my intelligence and energy to the rule of law as a supreme virtue and I am convinced that the management of the Bar should be given to people who are proactive and confident in the execution of well-planned and defined change based on a realistic program. Change which requires the will of all 5000 lawyer in the Bar!!!

27/11/2015 Elections in Sofia Bar - probably next year

In accordance with article 82 paragraph 5 3A The General Assembly takes the decision that the Bar Council consists of 15 members, a chairman and six back-up members or 22 members in total.

27/11/2015 Lawyer Raina Avramova-Elandzhieva: conspiracy Games shake Bar

The lawyers’ advice has been equated to a usual mail – box. Lawyer Avramova, you won 130 votes for a regular and 210 votes for a back-up Attorney Bar Council member on 25th of January 2015.